Our selection of teas and coffees

ARTICLE -Notre sélection de Thés et Cafés

At Le Centenaire find the selection of exceptional hot drinks.

“There’s nothing sweeter than a cup of bitter coffee” by Rian Aditia

If you are a coffee fan, taste our delicious coffees from all over the world, from Peru to Guatemala. We offer 6 types of BIO coffee with different origins and aromas.

To name just one, Coffee Bourbon Pointu, considered as a natural decaffeinated, fruity with a light, highly aromatic texture. This plant is endemic to the volcanic island of Réunion, the birthplace of this unique and rare variety. The shrub, a pointed plant, grew on the island, which was once known as Bourbon Island, hence the origin of its name. Following a period of natural disasters, the plant almost disappeared. But just over twenty years ago, a group of Réunionese growers decided to replant this coffee plant on the Island and take over the production. The business remains small, the plants stay vulnerable, and the coffee is extremely prized and rare, hence its high price. Good news, at Le Centenaire, you can enjoy a cup, whenever you wish.

« The wisdom of the whole universe can be found in a cup of tea » de Tracy Chevalier

 We have 9 varieties of tea from around the world for you to try.

We are proud to collaborate with Kanovera, a roasting company in Ste-Alvère run by Venant, originally from Burundi, and his wife Catherine. In addition to their freshly roasted coffee, they offer us, a beautiful selection quality teas. Since 2017, we work also with Le Labyrinthe En Champ Thé, our second supplier. They produce white tea et and green tea from Réunion Island, which is France’s only tea-producing territory.

What could be better than an infusion! At Le Centenaire, you can enjoy an infusion from the garden, with several aromatic plants, like tarragon, sage, mint, lemon balm, lemon thyme and others to suit your taste and according to the seasons. If you want, you can enhance your tea with dried fruit such as lemon, orange, or grapefruit. All our aromatic herbs come from our vegetables garden or from wild plants.

Finaly, you can enjoy others delicious hot drinks, as our cold or hot lattes with a choice of homemade syrup, or our cappuccinos and hot chocolates.

Don’t wait any longer, enjoy a good Centenaire coffee or tea.


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